I recently was surfing on Etsy, checking out the forums, and I found two absolutely wonderful sellers that I've made personal friends with. Their items are not only unique, but absolutely worth sharing!
First we have Extravagantlove! Her cards are really, really well put-together. You can visibly see the time and effort she puts into each. And her prices are VERY reasonable... I think she charges too little! I got this card for my husband for V Day... shhhhh! :)
You should definitely take some time and go look at her shop. She is definitely worth getting to know. I love this card so very much, and I know my husband will too.
The second seller I found that I fell in love with (I mean whose WORK I fell in love with! ha ha ha) is Joel Quiggle! He is a member of the CAST- Christian Artists Street Team and his work is positively amazing. There is so much meaning, depth, and detail that goes into his work. Just look at this one... it made me cry when I first saw it.
I sincerely hope you get the opportunity to check both of these wonderful artists out. I am very, very glad that I did!!!
great finds! hope you have a great weekend! ;)
Thanks for linking up at Friday Follow! I didn't see a followers widget, so I am now subscribed by RSS. Happy weekend!
~ Lynn
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