Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Whatever Wednesday!

Ok, so I'm allowing myself some freedom here... I've now decided that Wednesdays from hence forth will be "Whatever Wednesdays"... which means, basically, that I can post about anything I want, NOT just crafts. I generally love to keep my blog about crafts and Etsy, but once in a while there ARE other things to post about, and from now on, I'll leave them to Wednesdays! :)

I posted on a thread on Etsy today, titled "What Makes You Keep Going?"
You can view that here.

I was kind of bummed recently that the things I was making for Etsy (which I love, by the way) seemed to be falling by the wayside. I'd make something, fall in love with how it turned out, then post it on Etsy and... nothing. No hearts, no sales. And that was rather discouraging, especially when you want to be recognized for a good job (we all do!).

Well, it turns out that I've come to the conclusion, after reading every one's comments on the thread, that the sheer fact that Etsy exists, allowing us to post our items that ordinarily would not be seen by anyone, is in itself a wonderful thing. Wether we sell or not, we are learning, gaining exposure, finding friends, and sharing our work with the world.

And that is priceless. :)

Happy Wednesday, every one!!!


Piggy said...

Well.. I have to agree.. With Etsy, it is a platform for us crafters to just showcase what we love doing. Keep up the great work by doing what you love.

For me, I am trying to do it myself. I think support group can be quite helpful. I have God, family & my crafter friends to keep me going during the tough times :)

God Bless

Additionsstyle said...

I know what you mean, when I love something and it feels like no one else does, it can make me sad. But then one day someone buys it and it has found a happy home. We just have to keep creating!

Mary Fox of Fox On The Run said...

I agree with you, Jennifer. I did sell one item so far and am happy about that, but the exposure is really good. I forget to to put DAWG in the title and need to remember to do that. I am wishing you God's blessings today. Love, Mary