Monday, April 19, 2010

We spent our last days perusing the library stacks-
filling the void with inconsequential books,
an escape of the mind, a way to hide the heart.

If I had known as a little girl
(all skinned knees and climbing trees)
that love only lasts for two years,

I likely wouldn't have bothered. But,
you came rolling by me on your Heeley's;
offering security, devotion, and forever

in your eyes, and I, awakening from solidarity,
fell head first into your open arms, needing your love
more than I ever thought I could.

And now here we stand, on the cusp of good-bye...
devoid of the joy of growing old together.
There is no more "together".

It was a dream that I once had, a fantasy
of trust, of eternity... waking up is the
most palpable of pains to digest.


J Honda said...

Lord Jesus never, ever, ever ditches...never

pfd said...

Love your writing. This is the first time I've been to your blog. I also loved the story of the .57 cents.

Art and Sew Forth said...
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Art and Sew Forth said...

Beautiful, heart wrenching poetry. I will pray...It's only in the end that we see the finished tapestry. For now...we're all in the making.

Julie Riisnaes said...

This is a very beautiful poem - you have true writing talent. I'm so sorry you have been through such hard times.

Donna said...

You are so gifted! I feel so much emotion in your writing! Praying for you daily!! {{hugs}}

Lisa said...

Cling to the arms of Jesus, his timing is always right, we may not know what the future holds but we know who holds our future!! Keep your eyes on HIM!! Hugs to you! Lisa

Bridgewater Locksmith said...

Thankks for this