So, for those of you who don't know, I'm a Home Health Aid currently. I work every weekend for a wonderful 98 year old woman, who is in great shape, despite her age.
But this past Saturday morning when I came in, she was in bed. Upon closer inspection, I found her foot was swollen. A LOT. So her granddaughter and I brought her in to the emergency department. Thank God, she was ok. They never found out why the foot was swollen, but it wasn't sprained, broken, or a blood clot, so they released her.
We were only there for a few hours, but while the granddaughter went back with her for tests, I stayed in the main area and began working on a drawing. I am becoming increasingly more interested in sketching, so I looked at some reference material and began this. A lot of it is improvised, and it is by no means perfect, but for a first attempt? I think it came out rather well. It should also be noted that I did it all in pen, without any preliminary pencil marks to erase. So any mistakes I made I had to work with. :) What do you think?

And I finished my painting for my son! Here is the finished product: